Alle Scrap Pad-produkter indeholder en blanding af højkvalitets, syrefrit restpapir
Klimavenlige lækkerier - lavet af 100% leftover paper
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Scrap Pads er fremstillet af 100% restpapir, som stammer både fra industriel print- og papirproduktion hos Munkedals papirfabrik i Sverige, en Cradle to Cradle og FSC-certificeret producent, samt overskud fra Plotteriets printproduktion i Aarhus, Danmark. I stedet for blot at sende dette papir til genbrugsbeholderen, opcykler vi det direkte til unikke og stilfulde notesbøger. Ved at gøre dette, bevarer Scrap Pads energi og reducerer emissioner forbundet med genforarbejdning, samt sparer ressourcer, der ellers ville blive brugt til at skabe lignende produkter fra bunden af. Født fra et ønske om at minimere affald og maksimere kreativitet, forvandler Scrap Pad disse rester til et rum for nye ideer og innovation.
Scrap Pad samarbejde med den danske gadekunstner Mormor
Vores upcycling initiativ
Scrap Pad er etableret af to arkitekter, der har deres eget printstudio i hjertet af Aarhus. Træt af at smide papir væk, begyndte de at gemme rester fra deres egen produktioner og samle dem til notesbøger med et mix af forskellige typer papirark.
I dag har Munkedal paper mill tilsluttet sig Scrap Pad. Munken er en en af de mest miljøvenlige papirproducenter i verden og de omdirigerer deres restpapir fra industriproduktioner til Scrap Pad.
I takt med at initiativet vokser, forbliver Scrap Pads fokus dog det samme - at reducere papirspild ved, at udvikle nye kreative idéer, hvorpå man kan udnytte restpapir.
Et udvalg af vores støtter...
Why leftover paper?Every day large amounts of waste paper are produced as a result of industrial processes- e.g. print and paper production. This paper, also known as leftover paper, is often of extremely of high quality, however having no commercial value, is either thrown out or recycled. Rather than treating leftover paper as a waste product, Scrap Pad takes advantage of the high quality paper by upcycling it directly into our products. This saves the energy and emissions normally required to recycle the paper, as well as, the raw resources required to make similar products from scratch.
Who do we source leftover paper from?Scrap Pads are made in Aarhus using leftover paper sourced from local print shops and from nearby Munkedal paper mill in Munkedal, Sweden. With its own sustainably managed forests and leading practices regarding water use, Munkedal paper mill is among the most sustainable paper productions in the world. By sourcing leftover paper from local and sustainable sources, we wish to support only the most environmentally responsible paper in our products.
How did we start?Scrap Pad was developed in Aarhus by two architects in the print shop Plotteriet. Originally, sketchpads of scrap paper were offered to customers as a way of reducing waste and giving back leftover paper as ''space for new ideas''. The Scrap Pads, as they were called, became so popular that demand for them soon outpaced Plotteriet's production of leftover paper. As a result of its success, the Scrap Pad project was joined by Munkedal paper mill in Sweden, as an industrial supplier of leftover paper. In an effort raise the standards of sustainability in the stationary industry, Scrap Pad IvS was established in 2018 as a Danish startup with the aim of developing and marketing Denmark's first line of 100% upcycled paper products.
What is our mission?A notebook for everyone. Always. It started as a curiosity - what ideas might find their way into the world if instead of throwing out scrap paper we turned it into notebooks to encourage more creativity? Slowly the curiosity turned into an initiative - to create more room in for creativity by turning waste paper into space for new ideas. Now we wonder what the world might look like (or at least our home town of Aarhus) if everyone in it had a notebook in hand in the same way they have a smartphone. Perhaps it wouldn't make the slightest difference, but then again, it only takes one idea to change the world.
Frequently asked questions
Scrap Pads er håndlavede hos os i Aarhus, Danmark
T.+45 5070 2060 |
Kanstanie Allé 11C, 8230 Åbyhøj, Danmark
Du kan ringe til os fra mandag til fredag - kl 9:00 til 17:00
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